Pure, Soothing, Powerful Tea since 2004

Pure, Soothing, Powerful Tea since 2004


L-Theanine Beneifts

News & Updates from SEI MEE TEA

Spring is here and we hope you are enjoying the longer daylight! To support your active life, we have new products, rich in L-Theanine. Read and find out how L-Theanine rich green tea is a great addition to your healthy lifestyle!

Benefits of L-Theanine

L-Theanine is an amino acid found almost exclusively in green tea. L-Theanine is known to produce its anti-anxiety effects without producing sleepiness or impairing motor behavior.

The benefits of L-Theanine from Green Tea:
1. L-Theanine protects brain cells and promotes cognitive function.
2. L-Theanine reduces the elevation of stress hormones and oxidative damage to brain.
3. L-Theanine lowers stroke risk and the damaging effects if a stroke has occurred.
4. L-Theanine prevents damage to brain cells induced by aluminum.

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30% OFF on L-Theanine Rich Green Tea till April 3, 2016

50g Pouch regular price $24.95 sale price $17.46

L-Theanine is high in shade grown teas.  Both Matcha and Gyokuro (g-yo-koo-loh) are grown in shade.  We are introducing Premium Matcha and Gyokuro; both of them are 100% pure, organic from Uji (oo-jee), Kyoto Prefecture, where Japanese green tea method was born during the 18th century. L-Theanine is high in shade grown teas.  Both Matcha and Gyokuro (g-yo-koo-loh) are grown in shade.  We are introducing Premium Matcha and Gyokuro; both of them are 100% pure, organic from Uji (oo-jee), Kyoto Prefecture, where Japanese green tea method was born during the 18th century.

Although embracing the rich green tea history and many tea estates, Uji has only one organic estate, and this is where these teas came from.  It is rare to find 100% pure organic green teas from Uji, because the name of “Uji” is legally allowed to be used for green tea products blended with teas from other areas.

20g pulltop tin regular price $24.95 sale price $17.46

Premium Matcha and Gyokuro are higher in L-Theanine, because they are covered by shade for a longer period of time than other teas. L-Theanine offers many benefits AND satisfies our palate:  L-Theanine provides the Umami flavor that gives premium green tea its richness.   Gyokuro is steeped tea and means “jade-dew” in Japanese.  We are introducing this tea because a high grade Gyokuro offers such a great green tea experience–pleasant, complex flavor with relaxation.  Of course, we encourage you to enjoy tea leaves after enjoying the tea!  We will be featuring recipes how to enjoy them in this newsletter and website in the near future.


Click the images and take a look at our new tea cups and infusers!

Discount offer ends on April 3, 2016.

Click photo to find more on each product

Glass mug and infuser regular price $29 sale price $21.75

Japanese tea cup regular price $7.50 sale price $5.60