Pure, Soothing, Powerful Tea since 2004

Pure, Soothing, Powerful Tea since 2004


What are the Health Benefits of Green Tea?

Add green tea powder to your diet and improve your physical, mental, and brain health!

Green Tea is one of the best natural sources of antioxidants we have.  The therapeutic benefits are tops, especially for cancer of any kind, and green tea is extremely cost effective compared to alternatives. Used by cultures all over the world, Green Tea is one of the nature’s most beneficial and readily available substances.  And, consuming it in powder form, as Ground Green Tea, provides many times more antioxidants than Green Tea brewed from bags or loose leaves because most of the antioxidants are not water soluble and do not come out into the brew water–so we don’t get them unless we eat the leaves.”

Mark A. Gignac, N.D., FABNO Seattle Integrative Cancer Center, Tukwila, WA

The Most Beneficial Nutrition in Green Tea

  1. CATECHINS:  The most beneficial antioxidant:  25 to 100 times more potent than Vitamin C& E.
  2. EGCG:  The Most powerful among Catechin subclasses; responsible for green tea’s long list of health benefits.
  3. L-THEANINE:  A natural relaxant almost exclusively found in green tea leaves.  Stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, associated with relaxation and mental alertness.  Doesn’t cause drowsiness.

Specific Health Benefits

3. Diabetes: Regulate blood sugar (glucose and insulin level)
4. Hypertension: Regulate blood pressure
5. Heart Disease:  Prevent cardiovascular disease
6. Weight Loss: Boost metabolism
7. Cholesterol:  Lower bad cholesterol
8. Anti-inflammatory:  Calm inflammatory diseases
9. Anti-viral and Anti-bacteria: Fight off the influenza virus
10. Oral Health:  Prevent cavities & bad breath
11. Skin Care: Prevent skin cancer from UV light exposureCalming acne solution with green tea honey mask
12. Hydration:  Quench thirst and hydrate the body
14. Anti-aging:  Neutralize free radicals
16. Anti Depression:  Enhance mood
If you or your loved ones are over 60, read 5 reasons to drink green tea.


Nutritional difference in Green Tea comes from growing environment and product manufacturing process. The following list contains Japanese green teas.  Chinese green tea, such as Gun Powder, is not included.  Generally speaking, Sencha, least processed green tea, has the highest amount of Catechin antioxidants among all the green teas, including Chinese green tea.
Other nutritions naturally occur in green tea leaf:  Fiber, B-Carotene, Chlorophyll, Flavonoid, L-Theanine, Vitamin U, Saponin, Selenium, Calcium, Fluoride, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc
“Shin Chagyo Zensho (New Complete Book about Tea Industry)” 1988
“Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography” David J. Weiss*, Christopher R. Anderton Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado
“Simultaneous analysis of individual catechins and caffeine in green tea”  Tetsuhisa Goto, Yuko Yoshida, Masaaki Kiso, Hitoshi Nagashima,  Journal of Chromatography A, 749 (1996) 295-299 National Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.